
Weekends are Made for What?

Neighbors on Bikes

Well last Saturday was a rather depressing day.  It was sunny and nice outside, the temps soared to almost a hundred degrees Fahrenheit by early afternoon, and we had a company picnic scheduled for work.  Bearing all of that in mind, add to it that this was the last weekend before we take off for parts of the country south and west and I have had a nagging "check" engine light showing up on the dash of my truck.

Now, I'm no newbie to the southwest or the desert and I believe in being properly prepared rather than stupid, so I want everything to be working at it's peak of performance, and after visiting the AutoZone, I figured that Saturday would still be a banner day for me.  A fifteen minute fuel filter change, maybe a quick motorcycle ride to the picnic for a "hi", and then off for some more fun and food, and trip laundry.  I have noticed that 15 minute jobs average an hour and had planned appropriately, but what I didn't plan on was a half-day, a complete failure on being able to release a snap-fit, and a trip to the mechanic, so he could show off and do it in 10 minutes ( I still think we loosened it up for him).

So, after a depressing, costly, loser-feeling day (although I did get to work with and spend the time with my dad, so that was cool); I ended up with a stiff neck, abs that should have been steel, no ride, no pocket change, and during a hot, late afternoon walk with my dog, I saw the above pictured neighbors taking off for a ride.  My weekend was a real bummer, but seeing my neighbors ride off into the late afternoon sun, reminded me of what all of that work and time is about... It's about time spent in work or fun with those you want to be with (my dad, my dog, even building good abs, or learning a new mechanical "trick").  However, none of that detracts from the fact, that everything is a lot more interesting and fun if there is a motorcycle involved!


August has burnt out, what next?

Dad at Coney, Aug 2010

Well, this month has flown past in a hurry.  Trying to get work in, schedule a vacation, and then get everything going at once.

Valyk at Coney's Aug 2010

A Coney Dog at National Coney Island

So, what do these things all have in common?  Well, everything and nothing.  When you can't take a long trip, you take a short trip.  When you have to eat and work, but can't take a "real" trip, you settle for a lunch trip.  When none of that is working for you.  You decide to blow off everything and go on vacation.