
Lady Death Rides Again!

Lady Death here has been my riding companion for more than a decade. We've been cross-country many times. And today we rode to work together. At lunch  we are going to head to Malones for some lunch and to see the last half of the USA and Portugal games! 

I hope your day will go as well and may all of your riding companions be as faithful!


Fear Part 1 - Puppy Mill Pups

 I've been contemplating fear this week (ok, for more than a week, but.... I thought of writing something down about it this week).

 I've got two puppy mill rescue toy schnauzers that I've had for two years now. I got Miss Pepper (she is the dark Parti-colored gal with the unusual and exotic eyes) two months to the day before I lost Misty. And I got Daisy (she is the white one with the awesome bunny-like ears) a month later when I transported some rescues that were coming to fosters her in Michigan. All of the lined-up fosters bailed and I ended up fostering three girls for a couple of months. Daisy stayed with us.

When we went to meet Pepper, she stood like a little statue and shook. I'd not seen anything like it. Her fears and nervousness were so deep that her foster mom thought she would never find a home for her, because no one would want her or want to try to take care of such a scared little being.   Pepper had been rescued from a puppy mill situation and her foster mom had been told she was pregnant, but Pepper lost her puppies pretty quick because of all of all the stress.


Writing or Riding?


I took my dad out for a ride yesterday, and lunch, and extra stuff, as a special pre-dad's day event. Of course it was a perfect day.  We had a chance to thoroughly clear out the old gas from last year (it was a very long, very cold winter for us here in Detroit this last year.... And spring has been one of the soggiest ever.). And don't even get me started on the world-eating, trans-dimensional pot-holes. (Why yes, I have cracked a windshield all the way across, sheared a front wheel off, sheared a break assembly off, and blown some new tires, which doesn't include the front axel, bearings, alignment, and sanity that have also been damaged, lost, or replaced over the last couple of years- windshield still pending. Thank-you for asking.)

Anyway, back to the ride. It got me thinking about my sadly neglected blog. It has been sitting here in a sorrowful state as life unfolded in awful and wildly unpredicted ways over the last couple of years, but I do think about it. How sad and lonesome it must be.