My brother just purchased a new bike a month ago, a Kawasaki Vulcan Vaquero. His weather hasn’t been much better than ours (actually they got a lot more snow than we did this year). He sent me a link to this promo-video for his bike. I liked the promo a lot. I was happy to see a company actually marketing- well, properly. Instead of some awesome, slick stunt dude power sliding their new dresser touring bike on a street in So-Cal, with bikini-clad babe cheering them on for their manliness, they actually took the bikes out touring and filmed it. What a unique concept. The video was enjoyable, especially as I looked longingly at the garage where my bike is housed, through a haze of blowing snow.
Of course both of my brothers were as anxious to go out riding there, as we were here and they got a cold, quick break and took it. Hopefully we’ll all be riding warm soon.
How do you handle non-riding weather? Spikes? Fortitude? Re-watching your On Any Sunday tape for the hundredth time?
It's been a while, maybe this year, after everything has warmed up a bit, I'll be able to take a ride with them.
You can share and show us your ride if you would like. If you send a picture, make sure to include your name, location, and type of bike to chaco _ kid @ hotmail . com (minus the spaces of course- nobody like spam).
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