
Motorcycle or Not? You Decide.

See, even riding is evolving - droopy pearls & a scarf- those could get caught on something & get you killed.

Electric seems to be the creative edge for unusual design... and the easiest place to excel at "creative" (can also be read as "strange" or "unique") seems to be mostly for single person type vehicles - like motorcycles.

A couple of years ago, on the anniversary of the motorcycle, we discussed a bit about classifying things as motorcycles and a lot of it had to do with the "spirit" of motorcycling I think.  Things continue to evolve with innovators like Lit Motors, Ecolve, Brammo, and Killacycle.  Granted it looks like a possible evolving edge to motorcycles.  However, what it more probably is, is the wave of the electronic vehicle future. It is probably the only kind of "E"-vehicle I would try.  So check out some of these pictures and visit some of their sites and see what you think... Motorcycle or not?


Life Really Is A Highway

Wolf Creek Pass - Colorado

Life really is a highway...
Sometimes you just get to go for a ride
Sometimes you get to enjoy the view
Sometimes you get caught in the rain
Sometimes the winds of change try to blow you off course
Sometimes the main highway is the best route and keeps you from getting lost
Sometimes a detour is an unexpected scenic byway and you are refreshed
Sometimes you travel alone, but if you're really lucky, you'll have company for the trip
Sometimes it takes you home
Sometimes it takes you far away
Sometimes your map is old and you just have to throw it away and wing it (or get a new map)
Sometimes you find your true way as you make your best way
Sometimes the view was worth the trip
Sometimes the trip was the whole point
Sometimes there is smooth pavement, but oft times there are potholes, a-holes, dirt, and rocks
Sometimes people use turn signals, sometimes you have to just watch, make your best guess, & hope for success
Sometimes the sun shines, your motorcycle engines whines, and your butt still hurts
Sometimes Indiana Jones is right - "It ain't the years honey, it's the mileage."
Sometimes smile and tan lines are mistaken for premature maturity, when they're really just life-well-spent markers
Sometimes it is simply, quite honestly, absolutely PERFECT!


To Have or Have Not

Well, motorcycle news over the last few weeks has been both interesting and thought provoking and definitely worth a chat.  Let's start with the light and work our way down to the more serious:  Lost and Found, A Real Hard On, and Hard Headed.


Spring 2012 has Sprung - Mostly

The neighbor's tulip tree.
I can't believe it!  I just checked the last post date and realized I haven't posted anything yet for this year.... Arggh, what a slacker.

We've had a really weird mix of weather so far this year; sub-freezing one day and 70 degrees (F) the next.  Some of the mornings have been ice cold (literally) and then magically become 60-70 degrees by the end of the work day.  I have been out on a couple of rides in between hail, frost, high winds, extreme thundershowers, tornadoes, snow, and well - life.