
Dear Santa

photo credit - morguefile.com

Dear Santa-

I know you're not a dog, but I figured if you like reindeer, you probably like dogs too.

I've had a few accidents. I got a little scared when I was left alone. I got out of the puppy mill, but I lost my family. They got sick.

Now I'm with a new family. I have a mom, puppy sisters, and grandparents. I want to stay. You can give all my treats to my sisters. Just put in a good word with mom. It was supposed to be temporary, but we love each other.

Thanks, Tawny 

Feel free to write and add a 1-100 word "Dear Santa" post of your own.

PS.... If you can - Senior Pets make great companions.  They are pre-stuffed with so much personality and love that you just can't believe it, until you experience it for yourself.

The above picture is a "stock" picture of an awesome senior yorkie....

Here are my girls (toy schnauzers) and my current foster fluff yorkie - Ms Tawny (she's been with us for 6 months now):

Miss Daisy, Ms Tawny, Miss Pepper

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