
Moto-Monday: Classics

Photo Credit: June 1971 – Steve McQueen by Heinz Kluetmeier/Sports Illustrated/Getty Images
As the weather is not currently very nice up here in Michigan (the riding season does NOT go into December for us),  you have seen that moto-mondays have been very skinny lately. The exceptions for riding at this time of the year here are: a really desperate need to ride, a road dry and clear of ice, a nice warm coat with winter riding gloves, and you were able to put the battery back in for a "quickie" (ride that is).  They also have a "polar bear" club up here for such individuals.  The idea is that we go out for such a ride on New Year's Day.  Amazingly, I have been able to do this about 65% of the time over the last decade plus.

Consequently, I saw this picture of Steve McQueen pop up on my Facebook feed today, and was reminded of the great article it was attached to.  A few years back I found some photos of an old 1971 Sport's Illustrated article about Steve McQueen.  He always saw himself as a rider and a racer first (both motorcycles and cars) and then other things fell in line later.  The pictures I saw of the article were good enough to read and it was neat to see and hear from Steve in that fashion - a rider, mechanic, tweaker of mechanical goodness.

Well, I found that someone had posted that same article - much more readable (especially on an iPad or phone) than looking at pictures of the original article.  So without further ado - I'm going to send you to another blog, The Selvedge Yard, to enjoy this classic article.

Let's check back in a couple of weeks and see if any of us were able to be polar bears this year.  :D

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