It's Moto-Monday! Welcome.
Warming up to head out to work. |
The sun was gracious enough to let us shine with her. |
It’s often hard to know what to write about on any given day. Sometimes there is no ready thought, and sometimes there are many thoughts and thoughts that lead into many others. I should be smart and write them all down so I have a “go to” list when I need one. Today, I’m going to show off this weekend’s hard work (before it gets all covered and dusty from the road construction by work later today). Then we’re going to chat for a couple of minutes about hard work, brushing the dust off your dreams, and giving them a bit of polish.
I’m not as flexible and enduring as I used to be. I’m in my late 40’s now and it definitely feels different to do all of the things that used to be so easy in my 20’s and 30’s. (Meaning: Squatting for two and a half hours to clean and polish really hurts for the next few days. My hands feel like big, swollen baseball mitts. I got wax where? And heat rash?! Are you kidding?! I was only out sweating in 80 degree weather for a couple of hours casually polishing. What the heck?!)
She's still a beauty, even at 14+ years old! |
They say Necessity is the Mother of Invention, but I think Father Time makes re-evaluation and change just as necessary. I’ve had to trade in some flexibility of body for an increased flexibility of mind (i.e. wisdom), but wisdom isn’t for wimps. It really does challenge you, give you painful reminders, and force you down different paths you may not have thought of, or chosen before. I’ve traded in perfectionism for puppies and given in to life’s little adventures with joy, where an adventurous life didn’t pan out exactly as planned. Some of you may have come to an understanding of some of these same life lessons. I think it may be called middle-age. Never thought I’d arrive. Maybe that’s why it becomes a middle-aged “crisis” and maybe that’s why people turn to horsepower at this stage, because they are trying to outrun it. (Although only really wealthy people can afford the new middle-age crisis super fast bike/car. I know I’d get one if I could afford it.)
6-carburetors! |
My Valkyrie is a 2000 model year. So I’ve had her for over 14 years now (see, she wasn’t a middle-age crisis baby :D). She’s going to need some extra work this year. Washing and waxing was the really easy part. She’s due for a carburetor balance (and with 6-you get 6 times the fun!), I’m thinking the valves might need some love also. I need to pull apart her rear end to see what isn’t working for me. She doesn’t feel “loose” or anything, but I am getting an unhappy noise and feel that only I seem to notice. Her shocks may need some adjustment, or she’s shaking something loose. When I look at her all shiny and clean like this, she looks just as beautiful as the first day I picked up and road her home on a cold, with some snow and ice pre-spring March day, all those years ago. She needs a little love, a little dust off, some more polish, and a vacation. That’s all. She’s not old. She’s just gracefully becoming a classic.
I don’t want to get old either, I’d rather gracefully become a classic. Dreams don’t die. Sometimes they just change with morning’s light. Just like my bike, some dreams need a dust off and a polish up. I’m using flexibility of mind. That’s why I’m back to flexing my writing muscles. My dreams are still out there and as long as I keep working and polishing, I’ll still be able to see myself getting there. Having a dream may also help me avert any “crisis” and heaven willing, I’d still like that really fast car! :D
Shiny enough to even make me look good! |
So, how’s your bike? Is she polished up and good to go? Have you taken the same care with yourself and dreams lately?
Now, for something somewhat completely different, but still right on topic: I came across a link to someone working hard and polishing up his dream. He has invited others to share in his dream and enjoy being a part of it. Although I plan to talk about motorcycles in movies, in the near future, this project only has 10-days to go. It’s a film they want to make called “
A Line in the Salt”.
For any of you that know about or have been out to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah for land speed trials, this is it. A garage bike guy that is heading out to Bonneville this year to live the dream he’s been working on. It’s an
Indegogo project (just like a Kickstarter project) to show and share this adventure. Any hardcore motorcycle person will be interested. It’s a motorcycle adventure after all. Take a look at the project and see what you think. Currently he’s only a third of the way to his goal. I think it’s a worth project and a way to polish your own dreams back up on the way. If you don’t/can’t participate in the project at this time, I’m sure they love for you to share the word so that it can all work out. Good karma, especially on a motorcycle is always a good thing.
Now, go check it out! And have a great riding and polishing week.
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