
The Wizard Saves the New Year

A little set up.... Over at Eight Ladies Writing they've been having Friday word sprints using a randomly generated list of words. The character below, Jenna Hansen (SFPD officer and FBI couter-terrorism team member) has been evolving on Fridays for the last couple of months. "The Wizard" is a new addtion and this story gives more background on both of them. You are currently at a disadvantage, because I have not posted any of the previous Jenna Hansen story here yet, because it isn't finished. 

This week was the annual Eight Ladies Holiday story challenge. This is my story for this year.

The Wizard Saves the New Year

(A Jenna Hansen Tale)

Had it been six years already?  

It's almost impossible, as a city cop, to get even one day off over a holiday, let alone a week.  Spending it in New York? Well, that conjured up images of Lady Liberty, romantic carriage rides around Central Park, exclusive shopping, unique food shops, and possibly some snow with a bag of toasty chestnuts in your hand.

What I hadn't received that year were broadway tickets, love poetry inviting me to the top of the Empire State building for a rendezvous, or even tickets to see the new giraffe enclosure at the zoo. Any of those options would have made for a fine holiday break. Instead, I had received an invite that read more as a "summons to appear" for specialized counter-terrorism training in New York over Christmas break.  So, I was spending the coveted week between Christmas and New Year learning how much more dangerous my city and my job were going to be by order of my chief and the President.


Bonus, NaNoWriMo, Week 3 Pep-Talk

Are you NaNo-ing?  I wasn't going to this year. I had participated in Camp NaNo this summer, but then the week before I changed my mind. (I'm sure that never happens to you either. :D )

Anyway, I've been participating with NaNo in one form or another since 2008.  In all that time I have always participated with the Isle of Skye in Scotland, which added a few more small groups there and became a more conglomerated and infamous Scotland Elsewhere.  And you are thinking - isn't Detroit, Michigan a bit far away from Isle of Skye, Scotland?  Why yes it is! (If you don't believe me you can Google it.)  The Detroit SE group is thousands of people, all over, and there are good people and MLs here - I just never really felt deeply a part of it (more so over the last year when some of the group formed a FaceBook page).  I hope NaNo will consider breaking it into smaller chunks soon.

The Isle of Skye was small when I started there - it was a friendly, homey place, due in huge part to the ML - MarieRex, or Anastasia.  She seemed a bit older than the average NaNo-er but never felt ancient. She was extremely hands on, and full in with NaNo. She never seemed to want to publish a book, she just seemed to enjoy the annual challenge and being able to help others along the way. She would sometimes mention knitting and a shelf full of NaNo hard work.  My feelings and enjoyment of NaNo have been shaped greatly by Anastasia. We lost her last year, just before NaNo and apparently us fine, lost, bunch of lambs had no leader this year, so everyone just pitched in, in remembrance of our beloved MarieRex.  So, here is my pitch-in, the Week 3 Pep Talk.  If you are NaNo-ing this year, feel free to chip in. If you are looking for a Week 3 Pep Talk - Scotland Elsewhere has you covered.

Welcome to week three of NaNoWriMo.

Fall is Fleeing & Winter is Fast Approaching (or is it Encroaching?)

Me, Penny, and the Girls - Pepper, Tawny, & Daisy

I love fall!  But it does herald the rapid descent into the deep frost and anti-motorcycle zone known not-even-remotely-affectionately as WINTER.... Burrrrrr.

 A little over a week ago, I thought I'd had my last ride for the season.  I mean, how often do you get a perfect 70F week in NOVEMBER, in Michigan.  Let me tell you, not often. It's rare to get such a perfect week just into October (and October this year had us in the 30s for a couple of weeks).


It's Good to Have a Plan!

I read a great article over at Eight Ladies Writing - blog: Planning a Novel by Michille. I've been working on this very subject for the last few months - like crazy, I want to get a book out - NOW! And her article sparked me enough to respond and I found I'd put down a lot of stuff and Heck - it should be on my blog too.  So here it is.

I'm a re-forming pantser. I wasn't going to do NaNo this year (NaNoWriMo - aka National Novel Writing Month), but have decided I want to "finish the darn book" also. I think the reason I haven't finished is because I get a huge chunk of the way in and then end up with mysterious plot holes that seem more like black holes because they suck the story in - never to be finished (because I couldn't figure out the darn problems).  I think I always felt like plotting took the creativity and flow out of it. What I am discovering is that it's a matter of perception.  A lot of the creativity and pantsing go into the outline (outlines vary by person as to the amount of anal retentive detail and obnoxiousness) AND you get a chance to figure out your story problems before you spend months and tens of thousands of words finding out you've created a hot mess.  I grabbed a story I felt I could work and sell and looked at it.  I love the characters, their feel, the story idea - even more now, but let me tell you how heartbreaking it is to pull it all apart and find out that it will be a very different story.  I am basically writing a new story.  Although it is a bit sad, I find the more I plan, the more exciting it is too!


When Did She Become a Classic?

My Valkyrie - at an overlook of lake Michigan.

As much as I love my Valk, she is a 2000 model, making her 15 years old.  I know what that is in dog years, but my bike?  She seemed ageless.  Yes, I swapped out batteries a few time, had to swap out the starter for a new one, changed out the breaks, upgraded to new spark plugs a few times, and exchanged air filters and oil filters way more than once.  There have been tire changes, chromey bits added, We've balanced the carbs, scrubbed off gunk, and polished her to a fine shine.  She's mine, but lately she's been showing her age (haven't we all?).


How Dare You!

Gil Elvgren Pin-Up calendar April 2015 picture.
It's Flash Fiction Friday!

How dare you!

by PR Henriksen

How dare you splash me, Sir.  You are no gentleman.

It’s bad enough that Mother Nature decided rain her wrath down upon me, but you sir…. There is no excuse.  I had carefully placed the silk upon my legs, tugging the seams ever so straight against my curves in the back.  The dress?  Pressed to impress and in white so as to contrast beautifully with the upcoming spring flowers. My hair was curled, my make up sublime, and now you've covered me with both mud and slime.  You are no gentleman, most unkind sir.  In the future I shall refer to you as cur.

Dear Cur, you are as the name suggests good for nothing, but to be cut and culled from the herd, as one who hinders, rather than helps.  Even wet, I glisten like the delicate, bright flowers you also tried to cover.  Where your worthless hide will be forgotten, my soaked, silk thigh will still catch the right guy’s eye, and he’ll treat me as a real gentleman should.

May your way be ever clear and sunny, so that you too can someday shine… now fare-thee-well, while nature and I await the rainbow that is sure to follow in your uncaring wake.


If You're Going to Procrastinate...

Ok, so, life became all-absorbing again.  I have missed a few Writing Wednesdays.  Today is your day.  I have been so busy with intense course study (non writing related), that I haven't had much time to write anything that hasn't directly been for class.  As a matter of fact... It's like my creativity put headphones on and decided to take a nap about it.  Oh, I've had a few rogue ideas or "fixes" pop into my head (which for the most part I was actually smart enough to write down), but as far as sitting down and getting any bulk of words on paper- NOPE!

All has not been lost. I find that even when I am not creatively writing I can often find things to stoke the fires and keep me feeling warm and cozy about it.  This week I give you - The Journeyman Writer.  Now, I've told you about Storywonk (love it!) - it's on the sidebar over there >>>

Podcasts are not new to Storywonk, they have been the soul in there, almost since the beginning.  And I love most of them (even when they get long), but my new favorite is Alastair's The Journeyman Writer - It's short (5-10 min) and guess what, he is like the voice of reasonable writing reason in your head, with a slightly lovely Scottish lilt (although living in the USA for the last few years has mellowed it considerably).  Alastair gives little moments of thoughtful writerly goodness and then - sends you off to your own journey.  You magically feel more creative, more inspired, and part of a greater writing community (because yes, there are people out there just like you).  Please, stop by and give it a listen (you might find some other pod-castery goodness while you're there too - fair warning - don't come back and hurt me for your own twisty journey to writinghood.

If you're going to procrastinate, do it with style, do it with purpose, take a worthwhile side trip, and by all means have FUN!  (Also, don't blame me if you're a closet storywonk - I only gave you the story-geek place to hang out... I never made you one. :D )


Creative Midori Challenge for March

Today’s challenge is "15 minutes of writing". Very appropriate, considering it’s Writing Wednesday. Do you ever accept creative challenges of any kind? And I’m going to suggest – outside of writing challenges? If not, you should consider trying it. Just to flex all of your creative muscles. We don’t want any or those creative juices to dry up and we certainly don’t want anything “creative” to atrophy.


Wow, where is 2015 going?!

So, I've been crazy inactive here on the blog, because I've been so active with so many other crazy things.  Life gets like that some times.  40 Practicum hours, full-time work fun, participating in winter fest with the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood, and just plain participating in winter! 

Technically today is Moto-Monday and I do want to honor that by posting this:


Glittering RUBY Writing Wednesday!

Step into 2015 right, AND in style!

This is a great day - it follows last night's Marvel's Agent Carter premiere with her very red hat!

So, I keep saying that I don't really write any romance or erotica or anything so blood pumping - well, in those ways. I'm more of a run faster, punch harder, pedal to the metal kind of gal - yea, like Peggy Carter. :D  But I have a lot of friends and acquaintances who do.  Some of the best, most effective and supportive writing groups out there seem to be romancing type writers.  They even welcome men-folk into their midst and help them along with open arms.


Happy New Year! It's 2015!

Waiting for the Spring Thaw (Photo Credit: MorgueFile)
 Moto-Monday - Holiday Late.

Well, I am reporting back. 
I did not get a ride in on Jan 1st, however I did get a short ride in on Jan 2nd. On Jan 1st it was single digits and there were plentiful slick ice-spots out and around.  On Jan 2nd, there were fewer icy bits and the temperature was in the 20s.  I was able to get my Valkyrie fully warmed up, ridden and the tank topped off.  I went out early the next morning (Jan 3rd) while it was snowing, and pulled the battery out.  It was great timing all the way around as we are now in the single digits (sub-zero with wind chill) and far too cold for my poor battery.

My Joe Rocket jacket, quite frankly, ROCKS!  It keeps my core warm and comfy.  My legs weren't bad.  My favorite trick for down and dirty leg warmth is - rain pants.  They block the wind and help hold your heat in far better than leather chaps (plus, unlike chaps, they don't leave your crotch out to freeze in the breeze).  On really cold longer rides, you can also layer some long underwear under your pants as well.  Me being special, am allergic to most non-natural materials - so I have to not go with the quick-dry dry-silque type materials.   One of many reasons that rain pants are always a top ten carried item for me.

Even my feet and toes weren't too bad.  The worst two places for the cold are still the worst two places for me - my face and my hands.  I have yet to find a decent pair of gloves for cold weather.  I have purchased big, gauntlet-style winter gloves.  They still didn't keep my fingers warm and they have the distinct disadvantage of being so big and bulky that it makes handling controls very difficult and uncomfortable.  Bulky gloves plus frozen fingers have lead to dropped bikes before.  Argggggh.  My best bet has been to triple layer - a silk glove, inside a wool glove, that's inside a leather glove.  Still some bulk issues and still not half as warm as you need or would like in sub-40 F weather.  Perhaps I'll have to do some new looking - it has been awhile and there are new materials and methods available.  Gloves are the hardest thing for me to get and like.  If you don't get them sized right and they didn't really think through where they put the seams - you end up paying a pretty penny for something that not only doesn't work, but can make your hands miserable (right up through blistering, which is NOT fun).

So, how was your winter ride?  Are you a polar bear this new year, or not?  Do you have tips on any great winter gear or winter gear hacks?  Please share!

For fun- Here is a quick article and video on Motorcycle.com called "Car vs. Bike, In the Snow + video".