

One of the blogs I subscribe to is Eight Ladies Writing and they issued a 500-word story challenge earlier this week.  I decided - why not, let's exercise those creative juices. So, here we go - At a slim 431 words.  So this is a squeeze in between Writing Wednesday and Flash Fiction Friday.  Hope you're having a most excellent and good Christmas holiday season!

Photo Credit:  MorgueFile


By PR Henriksen


"It's not Derby-shy-er, it's Der-beh-sure."

"What'evs. Why'd you drag me here?"

"Mom always said if we got into real trouble, we needed to come home."


Moto-Monday: Classics

Photo Credit: June 1971 – Steve McQueen by Heinz Kluetmeier/Sports Illustrated/Getty Images
As the weather is not currently very nice up here in Michigan (the riding season does NOT go into December for us),  you have seen that moto-mondays have been very skinny lately. The exceptions for riding at this time of the year here are: a really desperate need to ride, a road dry and clear of ice, a nice warm coat with winter riding gloves, and you were able to put the battery back in for a "quickie" (ride that is).  They also have a "polar bear" club up here for such individuals.  The idea is that we go out for such a ride on New Year's Day.  Amazingly, I have been able to do this about 65% of the time over the last decade plus.

Consequently, I saw this picture of Steve McQueen pop up on my Facebook feed today, and was reminded of the great article it was attached to.  A few years back I found some photos of an old 1971 Sport's Illustrated article about Steve McQueen.  He always saw himself as a rider and a racer first (both motorcycles and cars) and then other things fell in line later.  The pictures I saw of the article were good enough to read and it was neat to see and hear from Steve in that fashion - a rider, mechanic, tweaker of mechanical goodness.

Well, I found that someone had posted that same article - much more readable (especially on an iPad or phone) than looking at pictures of the original article.  So without further ado - I'm going to send you to another blog, The Selvedge Yard, to enjoy this classic article.

Let's check back in a couple of weeks and see if any of us were able to be polar bears this year.  :D


Dear Santa

photo credit - morguefile.com

Dear Santa-

I know you're not a dog, but I figured if you like reindeer, you probably like dogs too.

I've had a few accidents. I got a little scared when I was left alone. I got out of the puppy mill, but I lost my family. They got sick.

Now I'm with a new family. I have a mom, puppy sisters, and grandparents. I want to stay. You can give all my treats to my sisters. Just put in a good word with mom. It was supposed to be temporary, but we love each other.

Thanks, Tawny 

Feel free to write and add a 1-100 word "Dear Santa" post of your own.

PS.... If you can - Senior Pets make great companions.  They are pre-stuffed with so much personality and love that you just can't believe it, until you experience it for yourself.

The above picture is a "stock" picture of an awesome senior yorkie....

Here are my girls (toy schnauzers) and my current foster fluff yorkie - Ms Tawny (she's been with us for 6 months now):

Miss Daisy, Ms Tawny, Miss Pepper


Some Favorite Writing Things

Writing Wednesdays

photo credit: MorgueFile.com
It is the season of sharing.  Many of you may also be exhausted from NaNoWriMo.  And some of you may be struggling with writing issues or finding a place to recharge.  So, here are some of my favorite places to hang out.

I think I've mentioned that romance, as a genre, is not really my writing forte, but amazingly many of the following list are full of romance writers (and others).  Don't be put off if you don't write, breathe, or strip for romance, these are all GREAT resources for story, how story works, why it does and doesn't work, and everything writerly - not just romancey (although you'll find that too).

Savvy Authors

This site is a great place to hang out as an author.  Although there are a lot of romance writers here - that is not all there is.  If you want to discuss craft or bone up on your craft, this is a great hang-out with many resources - free and premium.


Basically a "wonk" is an over-zealous nerd - in this case for "story".  This is a great writer spot with Lani (romance/paranormal romance) and her husband Alistair (sci-fi/fantasy) - where they wonk out over story - in writing, in film, on tv... Whereever great (or not so great) story is found, they will be there, sharing it with you.  They have classes, resources, and much writerly goodness.  Best of all check out their multiple Podcasts of pure StoryWonk goodness.

Arg Ink

Jennifer Cruise (romance and more) writer. Also a genuine story wonk kind of gal.  Discuss story and all things writing with Jennifer. (And absolutely check out her over-the-top "story boards".  She is like the Bob Villa of story boards!)

Eight Ladies Writing

Jennifer Cruise was teaching a college course in writing and these gals were in the course together.  Again, there is a lot of "love" here, but better, there is a lot of writing goodness here.

Hemingway Editor

New cool "toy" of the week.  How about being able check the readability and grade-level of your article or page?  You can do it here.  Neat toy/tool to check out.



Photo Credit:  MorgueFile.com

Flash Fiction Friday


By PR Henriksen

"Hey Aunt Jill, why don't I get to wear a mask like them?" Patrick said as a loud 9-year old would, while pointing to three people in masks across the office.  A whole family sat alone, to the side, of a nearly "at capacity" clinic.

We'd waited patiently for more than an hour.  I tried not to breath in too deep.  I didn't want to catch anything and my nephew wasn't sick either.  Patrick was just a superhero-playing boy, with a goose egg the size of jawbreaker on his head.

"The sign at the desk says if you've come in from a foreign country or have a cough, please grab a mask."


Building Author Steam Part Deux

Angela Quarles- Author / Photo credit: Keyhole Photography

Building Author Steam Part Deux
(Yeah, I’m working with my “Cool” angel this morning)

We writers are often a solitary breed, who create worlds and people them in their heads.  Getting out into social media and self-promoting can be more than a big deal it can be almost overwhelming for some.  Then we are constantly told that not only do we have to have brilliantly written, perfect prose (aka our job as a writer), but we also have to have professional covers, captivating head shots (the photo kind not the killing kind – we can handle that!), a “web presence”, and a “solid fan base”….. BEFORE we are even published!  No one asks these things of an actor or a musician, of a PhD or a doctor.  No one asks a chef for head shots and his fan base stats.  Ok, logic and fairness aside, this is the digital age and people want easy access and cheap thrills now.  As authors, we can accept this as a creative challenge and I suggest strongly that we do.  I’ll have to ask Angela sometime how long it took her to get to this point.  Did she have it all together before her first book, or is it just all coming to its shining glory now that she is ready to release book three?  Now that I’ve vented, let’s get back to a writer’s website.


Moto-Tech-Geekery, with Love from Triumph - mostly.

I found this in a Twitter feed from Triumph - I say "Who needs a direction? I just need a bike and a clear sky to steer her by".
Ok, I promised some tech geekery. Then I found someone who did it better and faster in my e-mail. I was going to link to the article or the newsletter, but could find neither posted on their website. I also found a great mini write-up on their Facebook page which I will put at the end (some things I want to remember to try.) Hence the Triumph picture on top. The Detroit Dealership/showroom was just down the street from us (literally 2 minutes), until they moved to their current location which is now about 45 min away. I get their newsletters and often drool over others, in warmer locations, riding their iconic-cool Triumph motorbikes.

No I don't have a Triumph motorcycle currently, yes I have ridden a few including the Rocket 3 (the first year that it came out - I still have the t-shirt and was the first girl to take it out around here - all I can say is Vruuuooooom baby!)

So, let's talk a bit about winterizing and maintaining your bike (for us poor saps who can't ride year round).


"Steam Me Up, Rawley" and How to Build Your Own Author Steam!

 "Geek Girl Romance Writer" Angela Quarles
I hope she forgives my lateness. I was going to do and post this article last week for Writer Wednesday, but I ended up in the hospital for the day instead. So, here it goes- the new and quite steamy cover for "Steam Me Up, Rawley" by my critique partner this year, Angela Quarles.

Now I will be honest, Steampunk Adult Romance is not my specialty (I'm more of an action-thriller, sci-fi, urban fantasy, killer sort, with a side of heavy horsepower.) I do however, love a good story and I do love to write.  Angela, for who knows what perfectly good, sane-sounding reason, chose to be critique partners with me earlier this year at Savvy Authors.  She didn't even bat an eyelash when I said things like "Couldn't you just land the ballon in the middle of the party and start with the action first?"  Her skirts never got frumpled when I said things like "What's with the eyes, why do they keep staring at each other?"  And her brass never got tarnished when I said - "Jack the Ripper?!!!! Awesome! Bonus points if you can make the new guy, the dad, and the frien-enemy's husband (the main's ex-fiance), and her boss all suspects!"  I think she smiled quietly and sweetly, just like her picture, and stuck the occasional brass hair-pin in a southern, steampunk, voodoo doll (my hip still hurts!).


Moto-Tuesday, because Mondays Just aren't Enough!

I think Steve would be ok with even tweaking this to say- "Riding is life. Anything before or after is just waiting."

Quick Catch-up

No, I haven't forgotten you dear blog or blogmates, life just took a few unexpected turns over the last month.  Fall has been something else this year!  There have been multiple hospital trips for kidney stones (not mine thankfully), and most of a week off for zero lower back cooperation (yep, this one is me).

I've been gathering a bunch of thoughts and info, it will probably be best to split this into two articles.  So, I'll do this one as the fun one and then next one as the "mechanical stuff".

Over the last month, I'm pleased to say I have been able to ride in to work on two of the four Mondays.  My bike is currently in the garage shivering and together we are deciding if I'll get to ride on my birthday (this Friday), which I was able to do last year - it was cold, but clear, or If I need to pull the battery, and wrap her up for the season.  (I honestly don't feel that a snow blower is in ANY WAY a reasonable substitute for my bike!)

So, let's ride!
Quite appropriately I started with that picture of Steve McQueen. Now, I've always loved Steve McQueen - what's not to like, he loved fast motorcycles and fast cars.  He was even kicked out of art college at one point for driving his motorcycle through the student union or admin building. 


Fall- A Sexy and Splendid Thing

Fall- A Sexy and Splendid Thing

Fall, you sexy, teasing thing.

You appeal to us with colors as vivid or more than spring.

Then you do that "fall" thing.

You change your colors, dance in the breeze, drop your leaves, and go naked for all the world to see.

Right when most would cover up, you expose your bare branches, and wait....

You wait until winter comes and drops a velvety, white robe of snow upon you, glittering like icy diamonds in the moonlight.  

Then you shake it all off, dig deep within, and grow vibrant and green again.

Few things are more magical, sexy, and splendid, than the beautiful earth, relaxing and renewing in her confidence of the days to come.

By PR Henriksen


Lost Lives, But Not Lost Hope

Today's blog piece will be a bit different.  I debated about putting it out here, but think it may resonate with others and let them know they are not alone.  This is a piece I wrote in the very early hours of Sept. 6th, following my brother-in-law's death on Sept. 1st, 2014.  It is very personal and I hope you will treat it as such.  If you have any questions concerning my faith, send me and e-mail, I would be happy to respond.

Lost Lives, But Not Lost Hope

By PR Henriksen

It's the very early am of a week we'd hoped never to live through again- the death of a loved one.  Worse it's the second time for me, and the third or more for my sister's family, of being touched by suicide. Unlike the old MASH theme song, we've learned the hard way that suicide isn't painless for those who have been left behind without answers, or for those who have left.


Weekends & Mondays

I WISH today was Moto-Monday!

September was beyond crazy - and I was gone for about half of it. The weather ranged from near freezing during some days (frosty on some nights and mornings) to near eighty degrees for one perfect weekend. Over the last couple of weeks we've had more rain, the leaves have been turning, and the temperatures have been steadily dropping. I've actually had to wear a jacket a couple of times!  It's only been a bit over a week since we bid farewell to summer and now winter is already blowing up our skirts.  Worse.  My license plate tags expired Sept. 29 and I cannot ride until I get new ones.  Since I wasn't going to be around, I made sure to go online and order my tags more than two weeks before they expired.  I usually get them via mail within a week. I'm on week 3+ now.  What little riding might be left this year is quickly fading with the leaves and it bums me out.  VERY soon I will have to fill the tank, remove the battery, and wrap my moto-baby up for the winter.  It is always sad - winter's long goodnight.

In the meantime - for your Monday pleasure I present Miss Daisy's take on short weekends and Mondays.



Moto-Monday & Writing Wednesday meet in the middle this week.

September was a crazy month (times ten thousand this year!) but it is October now and literally and figuratively a great time to turn over a new leaf. :D  We had a funeral (my brother-in-law; Wood Badge Scout Leader Training for half of it; a niece heading out to the MTC in Utah; a hasty, but lovely visit to Chicago, the seasonal flu/cold from hell (still trying to finish it off), and dozens of other crazy things that don't really bear much mentioning - other than WOW!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and basically a picture captures a moment in time, space, and life.  It is easily worth a thousand words as well.  So, let's spend a few words talking about it.

Me (Penny), My littlest brother-Brad, my Dad, and my sister-in-law, Lisa


I've Caught Poetry

I don't know who did this mock-up from Monty Python, but "Brilliant!"

People say things change with the seasons.   If so, this one has been a doozy.  First, we lost my Brother-in-law on Sept. 1st, so there has been much fall-out and flailing about while trying to get things accomplished.  Last week was Wood Badge week 1 with rain  (next week is week 2 with camping out - no rain would be welcome!). I did fine at camp, but upon returning home ended up with a super awful sore throat and a nose that runs like the Amazon river. I think I'd rather have caught poetry or short story again.

This is my second year on staff at Wood Badge and I've been doing the newsletters.  So I have been doing some fun and creative writing (on top of the presentations and other stuff - Have you ever heard of the Darksucker skit?  Too Awesome!).

So, short of posting my Rocket Day blow by blew, or my deeply investigated - "who stole our article for the gazette" piece.  I've not got much today.

I am therefore challenging you - to catch some poetry.  Limericks and Haikus are always fun.

This is one of my favorite limericks - I don't know who created it, but as a nerdy science/science fiction girl, it always struck a cord with me.

There once was a girl named Bright
Whose speed was far faster than light
She left home one day
In a relative way
And returned home the previous night.

Haiku - from me - suitable for today.

Fall day Falls whoo hoo
Kleenex box has no tissues
Sinuses break thru

Feel free to show us what you caught (as long as it's literary or fish).


It's Labor Day- Go Ride!

I worked really hard all week. And even though I got some heat rash yesterday, and today is looking to be just as hot and muggy or hotter, I have earned the right to take the day off and go for a ride!

Here's hoping that you get to enjoy a ride today too!


Dirt Cheap

Super Short Story Saturday 
Dirt Cheap
By PR Henriksen 

"Planet for sale." The man said. 

In a crowd of over 17,000 unique beings, I still got tons of sideways looks and a plethora "tentacle" encounters. He couldn't see me way down there, behind the auctioneer, but I knew him- sorta. Life's journey?  I flipped an 1878 double eagle gold piece through my fingers, weighing the fate of the world.  I could never have planned this.


Foster Fluff - Momma's Girls #53

Flash Fiction Friday

Sometimes in Life you just need to capture what is unfolding. That is one of the reasons I started doing the comics. And sometimes you just need puppies, because they make the world a better place. Either way, story is often in the eye of the beholder. Have a great weekend!

In what ways have you experimented with telling story?


Old School Can Be New Again

Screen shot of Hanx Writer in Use - errors and all! 

Writing Wednesdays: Old School Can Be New Again, or Have you lost that lovin' feeling?

I'm not that old, but when I first went to college in 1985 I had a manual typewriter. The first word processors, on the first computers, were just coming out. Not many kids had a computer with one (and a printer) to bring to school at the time. Although better than 50% of the girls in my dorm had electric typewriters, some with very beginning word processing abilities (i.e. you could backspace and make a correction or change a couple of words on a small screen, BEFORE it typed out your line for you).

When I went to college I had a choice between two manual typewriters (I wish I could tell you the names, but it has been a while). The older one was my dad or mom's and the newer one was in slimmer, white case, lined with blue. It had been my grandfather's. I took the newer one. It was not only a bit less bulky and more stylish, but the keys pushed down just a bit smoother and easier.


Awash in Nostalgia and Wood Badge

Cold, early am start, but the QM had HOT Cocoa!
Well, the time is fast approaching for something I've been doing the last couple of falls.... And yes, it has cut into my fall riding time, but it has been important.  I've been going to Wood Badge.  It is the Boy Scout's Leadership Training - for the leaders.  This will be my third year at Wood Badge (second time as staff).  It takes a lot of planning and work through out the year and then two really long weekends in September or October (last year was October and it was C-O-L-D).  I know it was cold, because I was out in a tent!


Note to Self

Photo of my 2014 Sherlock Calendar - August

Flash Fiction Friday:  Note to Self (250 words)

By PR Henriksen

Ten pounds of fluffy, faithful love exploded into a riot of Biblical furry fury for the couple of minutes it took them. Her war cries still echoed in my ears, becoming a deep, pulsing throb.

Note to self- Next time, lock the bathroom door!

Rivulets of bubbles ran down my naked body, popping and fading into nothingness, including a lack of wet or cold.  The cavalry was late.  Their recent cutbacks must have included clocks.  I tried to wiggle my toes, but they didn’t do much. 

Bad guys have no boundaries or sense of propriety.  Channel five said the temperature was only eight degrees this morning.  Why’d they crack the window?  They also stole my computer and went anti-Martha Stewart all over my bedroom and bathroom in the process. Bastards! I’d spent my day off prettying things up.

Note to self- Next time, keep handgun on hand, even in the bathroom!

The rhythmic thumping continued to slow as I went for Mindy.  Her soulful chocolate eyes were clouding over, as snowflakes settled lightly upon her, soon to be pink, white fur.  My fault. Pink-colored water flowed over the side of the tub, following the path of my reaching arm, which was four inches too short. I could almost touch her. The pounding in my head and chest faded, as the pitter-patter of combat-booted feet tromped in.  Two drops of wet slid down my face.

Oh, how I hated pink. Note to self- Next time bleed a more fashionable color!

No particular prompt for next week.  Let's pants it and see what happens!


Thinking of a Master Plan

When I find this, I'm going to get it! (Not mine.  Misc. feed pic.)

Writing Wednesdays: Thinking of a Master Plan

Perfect on the path. (Morgue File)

Plans, planning, planed, structure, architecture, form, function, design, layout, map, guide, road, path, pictured, pattern, organized, imagined, dreamed, schemed, vision, etc.

So, how do your ideas and stories come together?  I'm guessing it is some combination of the options up top right (Yes, I did forget to a add "pulled out of my bum", thank-you for reminding me.) This is usually the point at which such a conversation would devolve down to plotters vs. pantsers.  Amazingly, this article will not disappoint.

Plotters are usually thought of as those who execute a meticulously pre-planned structural layout with luggage (and I'm talking the nice stuff here like awesome steamer trunks full of detailed goodness, not the small duffel-sized bag I pack for my 3-week motorcycle trips).  Pantsers, on the other hand, are more like my missing option… thought to be pulling stuff out of their bums as they go.


Moto-Monday was Awash!

I'm afraid Moto-Monday was awash this week.  I can't tell you how close I was to riding into work yesterday.  But things felt off, so I checked the weather more closely before departing and decided to wimp out and take my truck.  It's a 4x4 and I'm darn glad of it.  The rains came down, pouring, and didn't stop for HOURS. I had areas when I drove home where the water was nearing the tops of my tires.  I was going 10 mph in a couple of spots and I had rooster tails off my front wheels kicking water up on my hood.  My friend left work and hour later and ended up stranded for the night out near work. 

Today they've been trying to clear up the abandoned cars from the roads. They don't know when any of the express-ways will be good to go.  I personally have always been uncomfortable riding down a top-free tunnel on express-ways like ours that have the high cement walls.  This would be why.

Click On Detroit Image
Yes, that is a mini-van/suv's rear door up in the foreground.  I can safely and thankfully say, this particular time, I am sooooo grateful that I did NOT ride in to work.  We were getting leaks in our building yesterday too, because they chose this week to re-do the roof.  Nicely played Michigan.  Nicely played. 

Epic Flooding!  For more info just down the street... you can check out Click On Detroit


Horror in Two Lines

Flash "Horror" Fiction Friday

Upside?  I did get inspired by this week's prompt.
Picture taken of my 2014 Sherlock calendar-August.

Downside? It got interesting and complicated fast.

Short Version? It won't be ready for prime time until next Friday. It needs more time to simmer and stew and to soak up all of the good creative juices. This does also give you additional time to join in on the fun.

So, for your amusement and inspiration today - I offer up 33 Two Sentence Horror Stories.
Necrosis from MorgueFile

Here is mine:
Eyes wide open, I sprang up from the nightmare.  
Looking down, I found my body wouldn't be joining me. 

Now, don't be afraid to show us yours!


Can you Imagine?

From the MorgueFile

Writing Wednesdays: Imagination

I figured I'd stick with the fish bowl theme for another day.  Fish sure can be nifty!  This is my work-desk buddy, Capt. America.

Last week we talked about description and how much is too much, but perhaps we should have discussed imagination first.  You can't describe, as a writer, what you can't imagine.  Being in the imaginary story business, we obviously have to imagine for their to be a story.  The most common question writers get asked is "Where do you get your ideas from?"  And the most common response seems to be "From everywhere."

So, where do YOUR ideas come from? 


Fishbowls and Freedoms

From the MorgueFile

Moto-Monday:  Fishbowls and Freedoms

A fish-eye lens can add an interesting perspective to an object. It usually warps it a bit past reality, but shows an expanse and breadth of scope you wouldn't have gotten in another way. Funny, it seems to work just the opposite "out" in the "real" world.

When I'm riding for hours a day and maybe even for many days in a row, part of my mind does a lot of wandering and thinking, asking strange questions and wondering about different things. (Ok, I sing in my head sometimes too, but that's another discussion.)


Witch Hunt

Instagram inspiration from @Jeera

Flash Fiction Friday:  Witch Hunt

By PR Henriksen

The men were panting heavily, just inside the tavern's door. All three of them look liked they'd had quite a run, chests heaving, bellies bouncing.

"Did you" ..breath "see a black cat" ..breath "run in here" ..breath "a minute ago?"

Two dozen women looked up, some expressions showed pity, others looked exasperated, and still others looked mildly amused. The woman closest to the door was the owner, Ms. Mabel Barrett. She causally tucked a long, red curl behind her right ear, almost as if she was trying to pay attention to them.  She smiled slowly and waved her hand around the expanse of her establishment.  Her smile grew as she watched the men's eyes look around and spot almost a dozen cats in easy eye-shot, eight of which were black. Every one of them sat next to a woman who casually stroked it.


Imaginative Description

From the MorgueFile

Writing Wednesday/Thoughtful Thursday

"Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the readers. "  Stephen King

It's our job to paint a picture, get the reader to suspend their disbelief, and take to them on the journey, right? I say, if we are good, then it is. 

We create the world, the characters, and the story. It is ours until we give it to the reader. Then if we did our jobs right, it becomes their story. It permeates them, fills them up, drains them out, and then reassembles reality, all in their heads. 


Moto-MONDAY..... Ahhhh, Monday's

Ok, this pretty much sums up my weekend and day today.... At least as far as motorcycle riding goes (I did get a new foster yorkie-girl that really needed a safe, loving place to crash for a while).

I fell badly last Wednesday, and sprained most of the right side of my body. So, I've spent quality time with ice-packs and a lounge chair. That means that for two of the best riding days last week, I didn't get a ride. And today, along rest of this week, is to be filled (buckets brimming) with rain and thundershowers. 


Momma's Girls Gone Wild!

Flash Fiction Friday - Momma's Girls Gone Wild!

Ok, I did get a story written, using the actual prompt I listed last week. But alas, with getting hurt, I haven't had sufficient time to polish it.

So, I am going to double the ante.  I will post the story next week, plus a follow-up comic for the Momma's Girl Expose, by Miss Pepper. 

This also gives you time to explore and finish any thoughts you've had on this prompt. Even a 6 word or 2 sentence story would be awesome if you'll share. You can share this week or next.  (Mine is looking closer to the 1000 word mark right now.)

Until then, keep your wild ideas flowing through your fingers and have a great weekend! 


Is There Such a Thing as a Perpetual Creative Well?

Dogs are so smart!

This week Writing Wednesday has become Thoughtful Thursday (due to internet connectivity issues and being klutzy enough to sprain the right side of my body while attempting to hike with Momma’s Girls).

Is there such a thing as a perpetual creative well?

We talk craft on Wednesdays, but I'm still a rookie. So it's mostly my own experience and a lot of thinking, practice, and study. Yes, I still study the craft. I want to be a pro, and pros always stay on top of their craft. I think the right and best answers can be different for each one of us. I've also found that different methods and techniques work at different times and with different projects but those can change as well. This brings me to the well. Now, I'm thinking creative well right here, but wishing well might be just as good for writers.


Dust off and Polish up Your Dreams

It's Moto-Monday! Welcome.


Warming up to head out to work.

The sun was gracious enough to let us shine with her.
It’s often hard to know what to write about on any given day.  Sometimes there is no ready thought, and sometimes there are many thoughts and thoughts that lead into many others.  I should be smart and write them all down so I have a “go to” list when I need one.  Today, I’m going to show off this weekend’s hard work (before it gets all covered and dusty from the road construction by work later today).  Then we’re going to chat for a couple of minutes about hard work, brushing the dust off your dreams, and giving them a bit of polish.


Vending Machine Voodoo

Flash Fiction Friday:  Vending Machine Voodoo

By PR Henriksen

That damn vending machine! I felt like it was holding my life hostage. It hadn't been just a "one off". It was becoming my destiny. For a couple of weeks now, it had been forecasting my life. Now it had me. Slowly I rolled the new Coke bottle over in my hand. It said "Share with Derek." I didn't even know a Derek.


Writing from the Middle and the Kill Zone

Photo Free for use from Morgue File

Writing Wednesdays

By PR Henriksen

Ok, I get to introduce you to a couple of my favorite things today.

First up- author James Scott Bell.  Not only does he write, but he writes and teaches about the craft of writing too. He recently put out an e-book gem that will get you thinking about how you put your story together called "Write Your Novel From the Middle".  In this book he introduces the worth of starting in the middle. Not like beginning your story in the middle of the action, but actually working your story from the middle out to each side.


A Motorcycle Buffet 2

To begin the new Moto-Monday Tradition, I thought I would reflect upon one of the blog's all time favorite and most looked at articles: A Motorcycle Buffet. (Or, A little bit of moto-every and anything.)

Come riding season I always think about gear. Do I have gear that needs to be replaced? Is there new, awesome, hi-tech gear that I must try? Is there something that just has to be on the road with me? Well, I found a couple of items that were too awesome not to mention:

(*Note: These pictures are not mine, they are from the sites as listed. PRH)

Need an awesome new lid?

Check out Cool Pile’s write up.


Flash Fiction Friday: Momma's Girls #52 - World Cup Awesome!

Today's Flash Fiction is a comic, for World Cup 2014. Go ahead, try to tell me a comic isn't a form of flash fiction. :D

Ok, I've been trying to think of how to balance content and interest on here since I decided everything didn't have to be motorcycles only (wow, lightning may come down from the sky and strike me down on my way home, on my motorcycle today)... I'm thinking:

  • Flash Fiction Fridays 
  • Moto/Motor Monday
  • Writing Wednesdays (maybe Wacky Wednesdays - although they might be the same thing)

What do you think?

So, today is our First Flash Fiction Friday.  Flash/Short fiction is an art form. I used to check out new sci-fi/fantasy authors by picking up a magazine like Asimov and reading some short story work.  If I found an author or style I liked, I would look up their longer works.  In my experience authors who can write good short fiction write good longer fiction, but the converse is not always true.  Some novelists really suck at shorter works.  There really is an art to it.


Fear Pt 3: How Knowing Fear Better Informs Your Writing

(Quick note: This article is longish and well very Fearful - so I decided to break it up and make it a bit happier with some Star Trek memes from the icanhascheezburger conglomerations site. The Enterprise pic has notes on it! Cheers!)

We’ve discussed (over a couple of blogs now) a bit about fear in puppies, but how about in people? Can people go to a place where logic and reason don’t hold sway for them either?  They always talk about animals (and people are animals) having a fight or flight response.
I’m going to give you a list of F-in’ fear options.You will find that many of these “F” words overlap in each other’s territory.Fear is like that, insidious.It can cause reactions and repercussions in your characters and their worlds and stories throughout all time.Sometimes it is in little ways (a tick, a memory, a simple reaction) or sometimes in big ways (life/death altering choices). Think about Indiana Jones’ reaction to snakes, or someone like Castle’s Kate Beckett who’s a cop because her mom was an unsolved murder.Regardless, a character’s fears and history with fear will inform the audience A LOT about your character and it should inform you a lot about their story. 


Fear Part 2 : Puppy Mill Pups, the Storms of Life, and Being Under Fire

Part 2 of 3 on the contemplation of fear.

Despite her great progress, Pepper has one seemingly unconquerable fear- fireworks.  Ok, two deep set fears: fireworks and storms (not just thunderstorms).

Even though it's completely illegal, to do fireworks here for more than the night before and the night of holidays... The first year I got Pepper (I got her on March 24, 2012) we had fireworks going off nightly from April through July. She was miserable. All she wanted to do was hide. I've never met anyone who can hide as well as her. She crawls, digs, squishes, burrows, and oozes into the smallest, darkest spots she can find. She does her very best to become invisible, and hopes to completely disappear.  It took months after the fireworks last year for her to come out of hiding or go outside in the evening to go potty or go for a walk.  This year they waited until mid-June to start, but it has been every single evening and night since then.


Lady Death Rides Again!

Lady Death here has been my riding companion for more than a decade. We've been cross-country many times. And today we rode to work together. At lunch  we are going to head to Malones for some lunch and to see the last half of the USA and Portugal games! 

I hope your day will go as well and may all of your riding companions be as faithful!


Fear Part 1 - Puppy Mill Pups

 I've been contemplating fear this week (ok, for more than a week, but.... I thought of writing something down about it this week).

 I've got two puppy mill rescue toy schnauzers that I've had for two years now. I got Miss Pepper (she is the dark Parti-colored gal with the unusual and exotic eyes) two months to the day before I lost Misty. And I got Daisy (she is the white one with the awesome bunny-like ears) a month later when I transported some rescues that were coming to fosters her in Michigan. All of the lined-up fosters bailed and I ended up fostering three girls for a couple of months. Daisy stayed with us.

When we went to meet Pepper, she stood like a little statue and shook. I'd not seen anything like it. Her fears and nervousness were so deep that her foster mom thought she would never find a home for her, because no one would want her or want to try to take care of such a scared little being.   Pepper had been rescued from a puppy mill situation and her foster mom had been told she was pregnant, but Pepper lost her puppies pretty quick because of all of all the stress.


Writing or Riding?


I took my dad out for a ride yesterday, and lunch, and extra stuff, as a special pre-dad's day event. Of course it was a perfect day.  We had a chance to thoroughly clear out the old gas from last year (it was a very long, very cold winter for us here in Detroit this last year.... And spring has been one of the soggiest ever.). And don't even get me started on the world-eating, trans-dimensional pot-holes. (Why yes, I have cracked a windshield all the way across, sheared a front wheel off, sheared a break assembly off, and blown some new tires, which doesn't include the front axel, bearings, alignment, and sanity that have also been damaged, lost, or replaced over the last couple of years- windshield still pending. Thank-you for asking.)

Anyway, back to the ride. It got me thinking about my sadly neglected blog. It has been sitting here in a sorrowful state as life unfolded in awful and wildly unpredicted ways over the last couple of years, but I do think about it. How sad and lonesome it must be.